Thursday, October 15, 2009

Linking Pittsburgh to Other Recent Protests

How do these other examples of recent protest and police brutality relate to the events in Pittsburgh?

G20 International Summit, London - April, 2009:

Video of police assault on Ian Tomlinson, who died at the London G20 protest
G20 protests in London

G20 Protest London - Riot Police Move in - G20 Protest London - Riot Police Move in - G20 London

WTO, New Delhi - March, 2009: Protest against WTO

World Economic Forum, Davos - January, 2009: Protest in Davos

G8, Tokyo - June, 2008: Anti-G8 Demo 7.6.2008 in Tokyo 

G8, Sapporo - May, 2008: Anti-G8 Demonstration in Sapporo 2008

These clips demonstrate that the protest against organizations like the WTO, the G8 now G20, and the World Economic Forum are a truly global phenomenon. 

Why do people in such a diverse set of locations choose to protest these gatherings?

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